Once upon a time, the Unknowable Great Rabbit wished to stir.., to move, perhaps even too dance – and when he felt he had the order and sequence just right…, He scratched that itch!
This is a conceptual drawing of a Lodge bolo for Adobe Lodge 41. The main design elements are the 10 bulls of Qigong, Alchemy, Kabbalah, G, Latin motto, checkered floor. There will be some colored enameling with significance as well. I’ll update this post with new photo’s as the project continues.
What a peculiar start to a Masonic paper. But peculiar is as peculiar does, in context. And this point, the point of context, is what I would most like to illustrate at the start so that at some future point we may come back to this most peculiar start and close out this most peculiar paper, in a most peculiar way.
This paper is the third and final in a series of papers written on the topic of the Three Great Lights of Freemasonry. As usual, much is left out in a short work dealing with concepts couched, by and in, hard words. However, it is my hope that this paper snuggles gently upon your sensibilities, while lightly stirring your reflective demarcations.
Wrote this late night rant just for the fun of it after a paper, “A Most Pregnant Pause”, was not accepted because it wasn’t a referenced paper.
I still think there’s something to be said for not writing referenced papers as it colours your thoughts as well as the readers. Anyway, just a fun late night rant to light my smiles amongst the shade.
Fair And Enticing Words… The first of two papers needed for the Entered Apprentice degree work at Adobe Lodge #41.
The lodge is a traditional observance lodge and as such employs the use of “The Chamber Of Reflection” just before initiation. All new members are required to relate their experience in the chamber…